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Health insurance coverage

Some conditions aren't covered, even with the most expensive plans

Although different firms' health insurance coverage tends to be similar, some firms take a very unusual approach. For example AIG Health Insurance doesn't cover some serious conditions - cancer, strokes and so on - that other insurers do. Pre-existing conditions and self-harm are usually excluded too, even with the most expensive health insurance.

Health insurance coverage tends to include the same things no matter who you choose to buy a policy from, but there are some exceptions. For example, AIG Health Insurance won't pay for some serious conditions such as cancer or stroke treatment, and most insurers will not cover you for treatment for AIDS, for injuries resulting from extreme sports or for long-term, incurable illnesses.

The list of common exclusions also includes drug abuse, infertility treatment, kidney dialysis, gender reassignment, cosmetic surgery, organ transplants, experimental treatments and experimental drugs.