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AXA PPP Health Insurance

Website: AXA PPP Health Insurance

AXA PPP Health Insurance offers a range of policies for individuals and families, and there's also a range of products for self-employed people. The site provides detailed information on each policy's cover levels and any exclusions, and you can get a quote and apply online.

AXA PPP Health Insurance offers four main plans for individuals and families, although there are a further three policies for self-employed people and a few cash plans too. The information on each plan is very detailed, and there's a useful FAQ section that answers some of the most common questions.

The cheapest plan from AXA PPP Heath Insurance is the Assure plan, which is also available with a 6-week wait (during which period you would take NHS treatment if it was available) and with varying excesses to help reduce your monthly premiums. Even the cheapest plan covers radiotherapy, chemotherapy and expensive diagnostic tests, and all of the plans give you cash if you stay in an NHS hospital; more expensive plans also cover acupuncture, homeopathy and chiropractic treatment.